Brief biography of Abdul Husain Aayati A.K.A “Awareh”

Sunday, 20 January 2019 08:19 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Abdul Husain Aayati was considered as a man of knowledge with religious authority. He was the Imam of two mosques and also used to handle the affairs of the people. He was a littérateur, historian, writer, translator, journalist and a great poet. He came from an illustrious family of scholars from Yazd. His father was Allamah Haaj Shaikh Mohammad, famous as – Haaj Aakhwant Tafti. His grandfather was Sheikh Mohammad who was famously known as – Aaqa Bururg Tafti Yazdi.

Abdul Husain Aayati was born on 8th Zilhaj, 1287 AH in Taft, Iran. At the young age of 15 years, he came to Yazd and attended the school of Khan Buzurg. He completed his study of Arabic grammar and language, logic and bayan from Meer Bahauddin Jandaqi Mulla Abdul Karim Misgar and Mulla Akber Nadushi. After his father’s death, in the year 1313 AH, he rose to the position of his father on the insistence of the people of Yazd while he was just 26.

A few years later he was introduced to a Baha’i book. The book impressed him to such an extent that he expressed his eagerness to meet the Baha’is. After a few meetings and interactions, the Baha’is were successful in winning his faith and got him converted.

Within a short period of time, because of his great service for the Baha’i religion, Abdul Baha issued 3-4 tablets in his name. This attention was a motivation for him. In one of his tablets, Abdul Baha addressed him as Awareh (one who wanders about in love of Bahaullah) and appreciated him for his extraordinary work and thus be became famous with this new title.

However, as time passed, Awareh realized his mistake and found that the Baha’is were not on the right path. Thus, he declared it to be a fake religion and reverted back to Islam.


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