Eminent Native Baha'i Informers: Hasan M. Balyuzi

Wednesday, 26 June 2019 04:19 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


By: Nima Wahid Azal


In this podcast Keyvan Yahyaʾi and I discuss the career of Ḥasan M. Balyūzī, Bahāʾī native informer and lackey of the British establishment; Hand of the Cause appointed by Shoghi Effendi; and the first head and spokesman of the BBC Persian section; and how the career and position of Ḥasan M. Balyūzī proves uncritically the appendage and vassalage nature of the Haifan Bahāʾī organization to the Anglo-American establishment. 


Translation of Keyvan Yahyaʾis opening exordium in Arabic (from the first line of the Obligatory Bayānī prayer for Fridays https://youtu.be/Am5KFBziTis). 


In the Name of God the Most Impregnable, the Most Holy! 


Glorified art Thou, O God my Lord, I beseech Thee by Thy Divinity which is conqueringly victorious over All-Things that Thou make triumphant the essence of the possessor every Letter Alif who shall believe in the One Thou shalt Manifest on the Day of Resurrection, the Essence of the Proof of Thy Mighteous Supremity! Verily Thou art Powerful over All-Things! (my trans.) 








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