Experience with Ruhi Book 1 Course?

Wednesday, 20 May 2020 01:04 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

     Greetings! I am not exactly an ex-Baha’i but had the experience of starting to take the first Ruhi course a few weeks ago, only to withdraw from the study circle earlier today after some contemplation.

Initially we were told that the course would be about community-building and oneness of humanity. However, once I read ahead to the second and third parts of the book (Prayer, and Life/Death) I realized that the course was basically teaching students to follow Baha'i religion outright. As a non-Baha'i, that bothered me. Has anyone else had that experience with Ruhi or Baha’i study circles? How do Baha'is usually make converts without proselytizing, if they actively expand?

By:  Apollo Atreides







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