The educational restrictions, an excuse for hate by the Baha’is

Monday, 20 September 2021 10:43 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


By claiming for issuing an enactment concerning the limitation for the Baha’is education in Iran, the Baha’ism organization is preaching hate against our country. Can’t the Baha’is remove the claimed limitations by obeying their leaders in hiding belief? Or can’t the Baha’is adhere the prohibition of love of freedom in their teachings?! Dayyan Alaee, the representative of the Baha’ism organization in the United Nations claimed citing an enactment: “A meeting was held dated Shahrivar 31, presenting the representatives of some security and governmental organizations in Sari city. Based on the published secret documents, the managers of education offices have been ordered to identify the Baha’i students and to attract them to Islam in addition to the increase in controlling the activities of the Baha’i citizens. Also, the university deans have been asked to supervise the issue of the prohibition of educating Baha’is at universities.[1]

However, the Baha’ism organization is trying to intrigue the public thoughts against our country while:

1)   Confessed by the Baha’ism organization, the Baha’i students aren’t prohibited to be educated: Supposing the existence of such enactment they are proselytized as they are proselytizing[2].

Nevertheless, the Baha’ism organization considers its existence in the compulsory proselytizing by its members. They are extremely prohibited to hide their beliefs and speak about the prohibition of dissimulation in Baha’ism. The Baha’i leaders were continually hiding their beliefs in order not to be confronted with hardship[3]. Also, nearly two centuries ago, to answer the Baha’is who consider freedom of expressing belief as their right to day, they have said:


إنّا نَری بعض النّاس أرادوا الحرّیّة و یَفتخرون بِها اُولئک فی جَهلٍ مُبین...

“We see some people are seeking for freedom and are proud of it. They are in clear ignorance; definitely, the consequence of freedom will end in riot and sedition who fire won’t be subsided.[4]


2)   According to the Baha’ism leaders’ emphases, the Baha’is aren’t allowed to be educated at non-Baha’i schools[5]. So, how does the Baha’ism organization try to increase the pressure of the public thought against our country with the excuse of education, but even he can tolerate the freedom restriction for expressing ideas of his followers.



On the other side, the Baha’ism organization is trying to proselytize in blackmail style by posing such issues.


[1] Narrated by the networks related to the Baha’ism organization.

[2] Proselytizing for Baha’ism is a public duty for the Baha’ism members. Refer to: Muhammad Ali Feyzi, proselytizing guidance epistle, pp. 5 & 61.

[3] Ishraq Khawari, Rahiq Makhtoum, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 131 Badi’a, Vol. 3, p. 171.

[4] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 116, paragraph 123.

[5] Abbas Effendi, Makatib, the electronic copy, Vol. 5, p. 170.


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