The first delusion of the Baha’ism organization: 88-million campaign

Wednesday, 13 October 2021 08:29 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The universal organization of Baha’ism claims for the formation of 88-million campaign in the world to support the Iranian Baha’is while 1) we will discover statistics making of the Baha’ism organization by searching through the internet, 2) The Baha’ism organization has a long-termed background false census making and exaggeration and 3) contrary to the Baha’ism organization claim, the followers of the cult are behaved with justice.

The Baha’ism organization office issued a statement concerning the publishing 88-million campaign supporting the Iranian Baha’is using #Iran-without-hate: “A campaign which asks the Iranian government for finishing 40-year hate against the Baha’is of this country found 88 million addressees and changed into a trend across the world. The Baha’i international community (BIC) office announced more than 43 thousand maters concern with the campaign in Twitter Instagram, and other special media which indicate an unprecedented wave of support.”

Bani Dugal, the senior representative of the Baha’i international community in the United Nations organization says: “Changing #Iran-without-hate into a symbol of unity among all Iranians influenced us. The Baha’is across the world and Iran are always wishing the best for Iran in their hearts. The Iranian government must accept that the period of time for planting difference and accusation seeds against the religious minorities has finished.[1]

However; to answer the Baha’ism international organization, it is good to investigate several cases of false census making of this organization:

1)   By searching easily in the cyberspace, we will discover false census making of Baha’ism and changing it into trend. However, the definition of trend in the social media is as follows: Being the subject of many posts on a social media website or application within a short period of time. So, we will figure out that during this period of time, it hasn’t changed into trend.

Nevertheless, not only in a special period of time; but also applying it by the users of cyberspace has been limited in total and even expanding it by people and the formal networks of the Baha’ism organization has been faced by the least positive feedback.

2)   It is interesting to be known that the false census of the Baha’ism organization isn’t being limited to this exaggeration. This Zionistic organization lies introducing its followers in Iran as the second minority of the country having the population of 300,000 people. According to the Iranian census center, the number of Baha’is in Iran during the years 1375 to 1385 has been nearly 25 to 40 thousand ones.[2]


3)   The Baha’ism organization is claiming for believing in the deviant cult of Baha’ism as the Baha’is crime while if it is so, 300,000 Baha’is must have been in prison now.[3]



[1] Narrated by the formal network of the Baha’ism organization in the cyberspace.

[2] For more studies refer to article: The Iranian Baha’i census, (link is external)

[3] For more studies refer to the article: What is the Iranian Baha’is crime?!


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