Why does the Baha’ism organization have binary contracts reflecting the news from Iran and Israel?

Sunday, 07 November 2021 05:20 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 In its informal networks, the Baha’ism organization is spreading hate against the Islamic Republic of Iran along with violating respecting and obeying the government mentioned in its teachings; while it cleans the Zionistic regime’s face. In the commissions related to the human rights and the general assembly of the United Nations, the Israeli regime has been recognized as the violator of human rights and resolutions are resolved against this regime. According to the news, the representative of this kid-killer regime tore the resolution of violating human rights against this regime in the presence of the representatives in the recent meeting of the general assembly.

Of course, the answer is easy. There is a give–and-take relationship between the Baha’ism organization and the Zionistic leaders in Haifa. The Baha’ism organization is continually expanding its administrative spaces there and the landlord has continually helped the organization in the occupied lands.


The mentioned above photo is a comparison between the kind of giving news by the Baha’ism organization from our country Iran and the Zionistic regime. As you observe, the Baha’i network introduces the criminal Israel as the savior of some young athletes from Afghanistan, but in a news about Iran it is trying to have the darkest news; for instance, it speak about systematic violence and misogyny in Iran[1].


1)   By preaching news about transferring some Afghan people, the Baha’ism organization is going to clean the malicious face of the Zionistic regime. Why doesn’t it cover refuging several millions of Afgans by the Islamic Republic of Iran?! Why doesn’t it mention and oppose the Palestinian genocide, the assassination of scientists and causing insecurity in other countries by the Zionistic regime of Israel?! This hypocrisy is originated from the dependence of the Baha’ism organization on Israel.

2)   Is the Baha’ism organization speaking about misogymy in its cult where the Baha’I women are deprived of inheriting their fathers’ heritage?! As the forged prophet of Baha’ism has said:

وَ جَعَلنا الدارَ المَسکُونة و الألبسه المَخصُوصة لِلذُرِّیة مِن الذُکران دُونَ الإناث[2]


3)   How can the Baha’ism organization criticize the sovereignty of our country while according to the Baha’i teachings they are not allowed to oppose the rulers and they must just pray for them[3].

4)    By setting up informal channels, the Baha’ism organization is following up its proselytizing, political and extermination in Iran. (which are against the teachings of the cult)


[1] Narrated by the proselytizing news channel of the Baha’ism organization

[2] Huseein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 23, paragraph 25.

[3]Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, the electronic copy, pp. 335-336.


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