A letter to the Baha’i Iranians

Tuesday, 09 November 2021 06:56 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Baha’i Mr. Mrs., boy and girl, of you know:

*what are presented to you by the Baha’i proselytizers in the proselytizing speech and reception and their booklets and the Baha’i organization’s circular letters are not related to the main rudiments of Baha’ism?!!!!

*You, the Baha’i countryman must be able to access the main works written by the Baha’ism leaders. As the Excellency Ahman Yazdani has written in the book “the glance” on page 145: “The extensive knowledge and the holy official words of Baha’ism must be searched in Bab and Baha and Shoqi’s ones… Yes; for independent investigation of truth, you are right to study your main leaders’ books personally and judge using your God-given blessings of wisdom and power of thought whether the unscientific, anti-scientific and contradictory words and materials of these books can be from inspiration or from God of Abraham (P.H.), Moses (P.H.), Jesus (P.H.) and Muhammad (P.H.)?!!

*O’ dear countryman, if all those who investigate the truth independently regarding the Baha’ism cult listen to the undocumented words by the proselytizers of the Baha’ism organization totally realistically and refer to Mirza Ali Muhammad Shirazi and Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri Mazandarani’s works and writing to investigate the truth independently but not to imitate blindly, they will never be doubtful and make a mistake and will discover the fact in the first step that Baha’ism isn’t a religion but it has been made by the Colonialism and those who has sacrificed their religion and nationality for their personal motives. They not only have ruined their world and futurity ,but also they have misled others by their deceits

*An example of Ali Muhammad Bab against the Iranian king is a historical fact. Can Bab be a divine messenger having various claims and repenting and asking forgiveness and apologizing the king eventually?!!!

* O’ Baha’i countryman make a decision today and come out of the shameful cage of Baha’ism and think freely about this creed made by the Colonialism and free yourself from the disgrace of this scandal because tomorrow is too late.


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