An advice to the Baha’ism organization: Don’t delight the political statements and enactments

Saturday, 25 December 2021 05:02 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


In its new blackmail against Iran, Baha’ism threatened our country that the world is observing your behavior with the Baha’is after an anti-Iran plan was approved in Australian Parliament. However; undoubtedly, Baha’ism believes that merely Baha’is are human beings and their supporters are the tyrant countries.

To support the Baha’is blackmail in this country, the Australian parliament issued an anti-Iranian plan to use it as a selective approach with human rights issue and the policy of pretending to be oppressed by the Baha’ism organization for proselytizing and attracting foreign support.

Mrs. Khalesi, the spokeswoman of the Baha’ism organization thanked the Australian officials due to supporting the Baha’is after the Baha’is anti-Iranian ruckus in Australia was successful and the parliament of this country supported the members of Baha’ism in Iran: “I ask the government to send messages to Iran concerning this issue that the world is observing their measures and they are supporting the human rights of the Baha’is.[1]

The Answer to Baha’ism threatening:

1)   The cult made by the Colonialism is not merited to threaten our country. History has shown that Baha’ism is always in lack of democratic base and the aware nations of the world haven’t supported this cult at all. Baha’ism has been consistently supported by the tyrant powers. A Baha’ism whose self-proclaimed prophet considered his soul owe to the czar Russian Colonialism[2]. His successor, Abdul Baha, owed his life to the British government, too[3]. The guardian of the Baha’i faith owed his life to the Zionistic regime of Israel.[4] A cult used by powers for penetrating, spying and the cultural transformation.[5]

2)   A cult which defends its followers to proceed the dialogue of hate against the Islamic Republic of Iran using the treachery of pretending to be oppressed and stresses on the Baha’is human rights. How can such a cult defend the followers of other religions and tribes[6]?!

A cult which shouts the slogan of the equality and oneness of human beings without paying attention to race and belief considers just Baha’is as the human beings![7] A cult which introduces itself as the devotee of the Iranian people, but in action it tries to put pressure on the Iranian people through sanctions

How you ever heard the Baha’ism cult use its lobby to defend the Muslim and oppressed people of Palestine, Myanmar, Afghanistan and etc.?!


[1] Narrated by the proselytizing news channel of Baha’ism organization

[2] Shoqi Effendi, Badi’a century, translated by: Nasrullah Mavaddat, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 125 Badi’a, Vol. 2, p. 49.

[3] Ibid, 122 BAdi’a, Vol. 3, pp. 296-297.

[4] Shoqi Effendi, the Blessed Writings, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 125 Badi’a, Vol. 4, pp. 290-291.

[5] For more studies refer to the article: the reason for France plea to dispatch the Baha’i proselytizers to its colonies!

[6] Narrated by the telegram channel related to the b\Baha’ism organization.

[7] Refer to: Hussein Ali Nouri, Badi’a (Answering the judge questions), p. 140.


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