Baha’i kids are victims of the universal house of justice extravagance

Friday, 09 July 2021 08:17 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Concerning proselytizing the informal religions of the country at school, it is repeatedly announced by the people in charge: “If the students express they belong to the followers of other religions except the formal ones, this measure will be considered as a kind of proselytizing and their education is forbidden at schools.[1]

Several notes are worthy to be mentioned:

1)   As repeated several times, no student can be deprived of education merely because of possessing a belief which is contrary to the formal one of the country; but “the illegal cults mustn’t be proselytized at school. School is the place for legal education[2]. However, which Iranian family is willing its kid/kids to be exposed to atheism, Satanism, excommunication and Baha’ism?!

2)   According to Baha’ism teachings, each kind of opposition against the rulers has be prohibited:


 إنّا نَری بعض النّاس أرادوا الحرّیّة و یَفتخرون بِها اُولئک فی جَهلٍ مُبین؛ ان الحریه تنتهی عواقبها إلی الفتنة الّتی لا تخمد نارها[3]

“We observe that some people are searching for freedom and are proud of it. They are clearly ignorant; surely, freedom will end in sedition and riot whose fire won’t be extinguished.”


3)   Proselytizing for the Baha’i commandments and also the ideology of the Baha’ism organization are considered as inseparable member of this deviant cult. Consequently, the Baha’i leaders have prohibited the Baha’i kids to be related to non-Baha’i ones[4] and have stressed on Baha’ism proselytizing by the Baha’i kids: “kids must be guided by affection and urgance to live based on the faith principles in order to learn the Baha’i faith and to proselytize it based on the conditions they are compatible for proselytizing[5].” This method of the Baha’ism organization which have been used for transforming culturally and making Muslim kids Baha’is has ended in unique measures such as influencing on nursery schools and educational centers[6], establishing classes to solve the students’ problems[7] and also proselytizing from school to home.

4)   It is interesting to be known that even after announcing the Islamic republic of Iran approach openly, the Baha’ism organization sent a message dated Aban, 2m 1398 S.H. (October, 24, 2019) and enticed the Iranian Baha’is to break the law and disobey extensively under the title of extensive proselytizing of this cult in Iran[8].

5)   It is interesting to be known that regarding the background of proselytizing of Baha’ism, confronting each kind of proselytizing movement at schools is quite legal because according to the international laws and the universal manifesto of kid rights approved of Nov. 20, 1959 A.D. and kid right convention approved of NOV. 23, 1989 A.D. of the general assembly of the united nations organization which have been signed by more than 166 countries and been implemented in nearly all countries, under 18s kids and teenagers must be immune and supported against preaching religious and racial bigotries to change their religion[9].

6)   Why does the universal house of justice sacrifice the Baha’i kids instead of ordering for extensive proselytizing and encountering against the Islamic community extensively?! Their leader, Abdul Baha, pretended to be Muslim even to the end of the days of his lifetime in order not to encounter with the slightest limitation: “And in the blast Friday of his blessed living in the temporal world, he participated at the main mosque of the city to say the noon prayer although he was weak and tired.[10]

[1] New site of Asr-e-Iran, the news title: The education minister: The prohibition for educating the students who are proselytizing for the informal religions, new code: 688382, dated: 1398/6/20

[2] Tasnim correspondence, the news title: The education minister: Nobody mustn’t be deprived of education right due to having a belief, dated: 1398/6/20.

[3] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas the electronic copy, p. 116, paragraph 123.

[4] Abbas Effendi, Makatib, the electronic copy, Vol. 5, p. 170.

[5] Baha’ism leadership foundation called the universal house of justice, a part of Redhvan , message 2000 A.D. addressing the Baha’is of the world.

[6] For more studies refer to the article: The explicit and hidden proselytizing for Baha’ism in educational classes.

[7] For more studies refer to the article: proselytizing for Baha’ism in the form of classes holding for solving educational problems.

[8] The message of the universal house of justice dated Aban, 2, 1398 S.H.

[9] Baha’i Pajoohi site, article: the aggressive proselytizing for the Baha’is with the excuse of kids’ education.

[10] Shoqi Effendi, Badi’a century, Canada: The national institute of the Baha’i knowledge in Persian language, 2nd edition, revised, 1992 A.D., Vol. 3, p. 318.

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