Starting to exit the Baha’is from Qatar

Friday, 09 July 2021 08:18 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 In a measure, the government and official of Qatar decided to confront and exit the Baha’is and to add them to the black list.

After informing and explicating by the critics of Baha’is in Iran and revealing the ultimate fact and aim of making society by the Baha’ism organization in all the countries across the world concerning acquiring power and government in the countries and creating the universal government based on the septet protocol of Shoqi Effendi who has posed 7 stages for the establishment of the universal kingdom, the government and officials of Qatar decided to confront and exit the Baha’is and to add them to the black list.

The government of Qatar has introduced the criminal and security penalties as the reasons for this measure. The crimes for which the Baha’is have been imprisoned in Iran.

It should be observed that this measure of Qatar will make other countries sensitive about the criminal measures of Baha’i organization?

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