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Do you have personal experience on the Baha’i faith?

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Do you have personal experience on the Baha’i faith?

Susan Benteler, was a member of Baha’i faith for 20 years. Served under various committees.

I was a Baha’i for 20years. I found all the beautiful principles of this faith to be hollow. They are never ever practiced by Baha’is themselves.

If you are not a Baha’i they have something else to say but once you accept this religion (or faith as they call it) there is something else for you.

I would call the “most important Principles” for a declared Baha’i is Covenant. Once you are Baha’i then it is incumbent on you to be faithful to the Baha’i Covenant.

What is Baha’i covenant? In short- Baha’i Covenant is blindly and unquestioned following of Baha’i Supreme Body in Haifa Israel. This body is composed of 9 Male members (No females are allowed on this supreme body for unknown reasons) and is considered as infallible. If anybody questions its orders (they call it guidance)then he is warned /punished or kicked out of this religion. Complete submission to this Body (UHJ) is Baha’i Covenant and his is the main tenant today. All other principles are mere paly of words.

There are many good activities that Baha’is do. To a new convert or non-Baha’i this seems to be the service of mankind. But in reality all these activities (services) are only meant to bring more Human Resource into the faith.

To know more about Baha’is I would request the readers to read the writings of renowned Ex-Baha’i scholars Fredreck Glaysher & Juan Cole.

https:// www.quora.com

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