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Wahid Azal’s response to an Iranian Baha’i who left Iran fearing persecution

Monday, 12 December 2016 18:29 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Baha’i Tears

Wahid Azal (A Prominent Bayani (Azali)) responds thus:

A judge of an imperial country that has consistently supported Bahaism since its inception found evidence that the human rights narratives being peddled by Bahais were exaggerated. This is pretty significant because it comes from a British court and not a court anywhere else.

Now, in 1976 when you left Iran Baha’i Habib Sabet was one of the richest men in Iran

who owned Iranian Radio-Television, the Iranian Pepsi Cola franchise, held shares and interests in numerous local development companies, etc, and more significantly had direct regular access to the royal court and the Shah. There were also names like Hozhabr Yazdani and Karim Ayadi, who was the Shah’s personal physician and a royal court insider since the time of Reza khan. Then there was Parviz Sabeti who was deputy head of SAVAK (and he was indeed a Baha’i despite all attempts by Baha’is currently to disingenuously dissociate themselves from this monster). Also, the father of Freemason Amir Abbas Hoveyda – PM for over a decade and a half – was not only a Baha’i but he had been Abbas Effendi’s personal secretary in Palestine for some time. These are just a few well known prominent names of Baha’is during the Pahlavi regime who were outright beneficiaries of it. There were many, many, many more besides them. Iran and Iranians are a generally tolerant society compared to either Arab, Turk or Indo- Pakistani Muslim societies. However, the level at which Baha’ism was systematically undermining Iran and Iranians on behalf of Tsarist and Anglo-American imperial interests since the 1870s in Iran was enough to raise the ire of even the most tolerant of tolerant Iranians. Add to that the fact that Baha’is outright claim to shun nationalism and claim themselves as globalists, and one can appreciate further why Iranians of all shades would have problems with Baha’is. Then in 1948 comes the establishment of the illegal Zionist settler colonialist state in Palestine, which benefits Baha’is immediately and directly, later turning that the Baha’is had been supporting the establishment of Zionism in Palestine since 1897, and one can appreciate even further why Iranians would be weary.

Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979 Baha’is in the West have gone out of their way on multiple occasions to undermine Iran and its government at every given opportunity via assorted NGOs lobbying Western governments. The present international sanctions  on Iran imposed on it (based on fabricated allegations of a fictitious nuclear weapons program that Iran actually does not possess) also bears the imprint of the Haifan Baha’i cult.

Finally, Baha’is cry and moan about being persecuted in Iran while they thrive under a brutal, apartheid, militarist, fascist, European occupier settler colony in Palestine. Whatever discrimination they may have faced, or continue to face, in Iran (which in my personal opinion is well deserved) evaporates into total insignificance given what Palestinians face on a daily basis from the hands of the demonic Slavo-Turk Khazarian, Frankist- Sabbatian, AshkeNazi, Rothschild bankster regime calling itself ”Israel.” Not once have Baha’is collectively or officially raised their voices during these past 67+ years on behalf of Palestinians in this Zionist Holocaust of Palestine and Palestinians. Like the Zionist monsters Baha’is regularly parrot the Zionist occupiers shameless Palestine-Denial and in this continue to contribute to the Palestinian Holocaust. Given this, Haifan Baha’is are no better than the assorted Nazi collaborators in Europe during WWII.









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