Thursday, 13 December 2018 05:09 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Before we dwell further on our subject, let us examine the words and phrases used in this treatise.


The dictionary meaning of following words used in the title of this document is self-explanatory and most commonly used.


Holocaust: destruction or killing on a mass scale.

This may mean and include the mental torture resulting in psychological disorder, to threatened in such a manner so as to hamper the independent thinking of a person, to brainwash the masses with particular line of thinking,


To excommunicate: To officially bar from the sacraments and services of a Church/administration.

To debar a person from being a part of particular faith or society. To stop from attending any social or religious programs even it pertains to closest of relations.


If we analyze the meanings of the above words, Can we not conclude that?


By excommunicating a person, we actually destroy his morale, his stature, his complete trust and confidence in the values he so abides and cherishes.


By excommunicating a person, we harm the life and property of many others so related to him and generations to come hereby.


By excommunicating those who raise their voice of reforms, truth, et al, we deprive people of immense benefits from guidance and taking them to deviations and ruffian ness.


By excommunication regularly , we do kill the emotions of human kind on a mass scale and destroy the divine bounty of independent thinking, foresightedness, freedom of expression and research and advancement of mindsets.


If an organization responsible for spreading the teachings of faith, does excommunicate, in large number of cases in the existence of just 160 years as against other religions who exist from time ancient, it leads one to conclude with ease that it has carried out holocaust, or mass scale, excommunication of its own followers. Hence holocaust is the right word to describe this tyranny as meted out to its own brethren by so called upholders of this newest, most ruffian Baha’i faith.


If one faith claims to abrogate all the previous religions and establish world peace, then one can gauge the depth of our concern and righteousness in calling its acts of excommunication as Holocaust.







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