Why is informing about cults a permanent necessity?

Friday, 24 May 2019 10:48 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Why do we and similar sites and cyberspaces which are criticizing cults and revealing the hidden layers of cults confirm that this strategy must be followed?

     Glancing at the emergence of cult history, we will observe that how have the Colonialist statesmen and their thinkers recognized that cults are remarkable parts for penetrating and Colonialism in countries having strong theology especially the Islamic ones. The emergence of cults in Islamic countries could change the superiority power into weakness.

     Before the Islamic revolution, in the Islamic Iran, a kinds of Sufism and semi-religious cults like Baha’ism could be expanded assisted by the then governments and could disunite the community because the Colonialists had concluded that as long as the Muslim nation of Iran are united, creating Colonial atmosphere and plundering properties won’t be provided. This important strategy was conducted in Iraq, the Saudi Arabia and major and minor countries in another from. Because of this disunion, the national mines and capitals and even the influence strength of these countries had been decreased.

     The usurp country of Israel wasn’t relaxed under the shadow of American supports. The intelligent service of America created a riot in the region less than a decade in order for Syria to remain just a name. It can be accepted that Syria wouldn’t be afflicted by such war if there weren’t cults or opponents in various schools and thoughts. However, Israel, America and their regional supporters didn’t think that the Syria supporters entered and didn’t allow them to achieve their ominous aims.

     We observed this movement in Yemen, too. According to the Americans and Zionistic politicians; in this region, cults and the so-called opponent groups are best choices which can create riot in the region in order for the Israeli statesmen to achieve their dreams.

     So, cult discussion is important. It is advisable to return to interior cults.

     According to the Baha’i teachings, each person should be a proselytizer and use each opportunity to proselytize.

     Concerning proselytizing Abdul Baha says: It is necessary for a the divine disciple as his/her duty not to be relaxed in day and night; but proselytizing… .

     While according to the Baha’i rules, the Baha’is aren’t allowed to oppose the governmental rules. Proselytizing the deviant cults is forbidden in Iran and is against the law.

     The Baha’is insulted the tenth of the lunar month of Moharram in 1388 assisted by other anti-revolution groups. Several events happened that made the enemies happy and made those who were sympathetic with revolution extremely sad. Cults were very active during the events of 7th Golestan in Tehran city, the cults were active, too.

     They were being applied as means for making the Islamic Revolution hated.

     After the victory of the Islamic Revolution till now, there have been many riots originated from sectarianism which are needed to be investigated.

     We suggest you to study the book “cults in our midst “ written by Margaret Thaler Singer.




      Hamed Mahmoudi   

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