The brainwashing of members in the cults

Sunday, 31 October 2021 05:54 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 There is a principle in Baha’ism called the independent investigation of truth. However, the third feature of a cult is that the leaders of the cults are brainwashing their followers and restoring their minds to use them for the cult’s objects of desire. For this aim, we can observe that the Baha’ism cult is educating the Baha’i offspring using Rouhi classes and regular programs in order to familiarize them with their leaders’ thoughts and to keep their offspring out of non-Baha’i materials since childhood.

Masihullah Rahmani had lives in Baha’ism cult for many years. Eventually, he discovered the absurdity of the cult’s forged creed and turned against Baha’ism and turned to dear Islam.

In the book “the straight path”, he writes:

“We, the Baha’is, looked upon the rejected nooks in splenetic manner and we never saw their covers and read their contents. It is generally forbidden for the Baha’is to study others’ books ordered by the assembly. In this way, the assembly had closed the path for God’s sheep to achieve the facts.”



Abdul Baha stressed on continuation of thoughts and beliefs of Hussein Ali Nouri and asked the members of the cult to prevent their offspring to send to the Islamic schools in order not to hear words out of Baha’ism and not to figure out the falseness of Baha’ism. As he writes in the book Makatib, Vol. 5, p. 170:

“Concerning education school, you had written that it wouldn’t be allowable for the disciple’s kids to go to others’ schools because it would be Baha’ism objectness and they would be deprived of the Blessed Beauty’s mercies. Because they would be educated differently and would cause the Baha’is to be disgraced.”

page 170, the Makatib of Abdul Baha, Vol. 5


In order to preserve their members inside the cult and to dictate their thoughts to them, the cult leaders don’t let them to study non-Babi and Baha’i books. As Lai Muhammad Shirazi, the claimant of Babis and Mahdism orders the book the Persian Bayan, Chapter 10 out of unit 4, p. 130:

لا يجوزالتدريس فی كتب غيرالبياَن إلا إذا أنشئ فيه ممّا يتعلَق بعلم ألکلام وإن ما اخترعَ مِنَ المَنطِقِ وَالاُصُولِ وَ غَيرِهِمَا لَم يُؤذَن لِاَحَدٍ مِنَ المُؤمِنِينَ

page 130 of the book Persian Bayan written by Ali Muhammad Bab


When Ali Muhammad Bab realized that he is unable to discuss with the scholars, he ordered all scientific and philosophical books to be eliminated and considered teaching and learning various sciences and studying other books except for Bayan to be illegitimate in order to seize them.

The claimant of Babism addresses all Islamic scholars in the book “the best stories”, p. 46 that God has considered other books except for my book Bayan as illegitimate and you must just train my book to people and avoid other books which are null and vain after my book being sent.”


یا معشرالعلماء إن الله قد حرّم علیکم بعد هذا الکتاب التدریس فی غیره علموا الناس أحکام الکتاب و اعرضوا عن الباطل الکتب المخبثة فیکم


The book “the best stories” by Ali Muhammad Bab, p. 46


The thought of monopolization was too strong in Ali Muhammad Shirazi that he ordered his followers to destroy and vanish all the books in the houses, and libraries and no book must be left except for my works and my fans. As he writes in chapter 6 out of unit 6, the Persian Bayan, p. 198:

فی حكم محو كل الكتب إلاَ ما اُنشئت أو تُنشِئُ فی ذلک الأمر”.


In the book “Makatib”, Vol. 3, p. 266, Abbas Effendi writes:


در یوم ظهور حضرت أعلی (علی محمد باب) منطوق بیان ضرب أعناق و حرق کتب و أوراق و هدم بقاع متبرکه و قتل عام إلا من آمن و صدّق بود

“The Utterance of the book of religion [of Bayan] in the day of appearance of His Highness A’la (Ali Muhammad Bab) was to behead, burn the book, destroy the monuments, and massacre [everyone] but those who believed [in the Baba’s religion] ad verified it.”



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