A dream of a hallucinatory person in childhood

Sunday, 14 November 2021 06:17 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size




The Baha’i author made a story and attributed a dream to Hussein Ali Baha’s father whose interpretation has been prophethood and people’s opposition with his son. However, is such dream related to the Baha’is claim?!


In one of the Baha’i books, the adventure of a controversial dream and interpretation of the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism’s father has been narrated. Mirza Abbas was dreaming that birds and fish were attacking his offspring; but they couldn’t hurt him. The father referred to an interpreter to interpret his dream. The interpreter said: An issue is done by your offspring being opposed by people.


The Baha’i proselytizer has imagined the dream of the prophethood of Baha’s father in his childhood so:


“One night, Mirza Abbas (Baha’s father) started… and thought of his dream: His offspring was taking a walk in a garden. All birds were flying around his head and wanted to hurt him. However, they couldn’t. Then, his offspring was swimming in a unlimited sea. His small body was shinning so that it had lightened all the sea. His black hair was disheveled on water. Each of his hair was taken by a fish. Fish were astonished by his face light. All fish were following him swimming everywhere, but they didn’t hurt him…


He called a famous dreamer in vexatious manner. As if the dreamer who was inspired by the glory of the kid’s future said: The unlimited garden and sea is the world and the birds and fish are the people of the world. Your offspring will do an action in future opposed and attacked by people. However, he will dominate on them alone. God’s support will save him against all those harassment and harms.[1]


There are some notes worthy to be mentioned concerning this adventure:




1)   The Baha’i authors are rejecting each kind of extraordinary actions done by the prophets[2] in order to justify their leaders’ inabilities; on the other side, they have sanctified the Baha’ism leaders by making story and prediction[3]!




2)   Apparently, the dream isn’t related to the interpretation narrated. Because the birds attacks to the person remind us the story of the Excellency Joseph (P.H.) ended in the person’s execution not the emergence of a prophet.[4]




3)   It is interpreted that the majority of people are opposing the issue of the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism; while the majority of people were hiding their beliefs since Baha’s period of time.[5] They haven’t heard his name and creed so far to oppose against or agree with him!




4)   It is interpreted that the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism is dominating on his opponents while the self-proclaimed prophet if Baha’ism and his successors even couldn’t eve dominate on the awake conscience and couldn’t prevail the forged beliefs of Baha’ism.[6]




5)   It is interpreted that he wasn’t hurt by his opponents! While confessed by the Baha’is, Hussein Ali Baha was imprisoned due to his terroristic and violent actions[7].







[1] The Baha’i author of the article “another Sunrise” (one of the proselytizing booklets of Baha’ism), pp. 7-8.

[2] Bija: Friendship Message publications, 1379 S.H., p. 110.

[3] For example, refer to the article: Bahaullah; the prediction or demagogy?!

[4] The holy Quran, chapter Josef, verses 36-41.

[5] Refer to J.E. Esslement, Bahaullah and the new era, Manshourat Dar-Al-Nashr Al-Bahaiyeh Fi Al-Brazil: Translated by: A. Bashirullahi, H. Rahimi, F. Soleimani, 1988 A.D., p. 78.shiru

[6] For more studies refer to the article: Baha’ism and the Colonialism.

[7] For more studies refer to the articles: The reason for Bahaullah’s imprisonment in Tehran; the reason for exiling Hussein Ali Baha again.

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