Executing the law is good for the Iranian but is violating the rights for the Baha’is!!!

Tuesday, 23 November 2021 06:25 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


In some sites related to the deviant cult of Baha’ism and so-called human rights one, it is claimed for confronting the illegal possessions of the Baha’i inhabitants in Roshankouh village. However, why must the membership in the Baha’ism organization prevent legal action against the violent Baha’is?!

The media related to Baha’ism have recently published a news concerning the possession of the Baha’is fields in Roshankouh village by the security forces. These media have considered the possessions of the Baha’i inhabitants in this village by the natural resource office as illegal and as the possession of jungle lands.

The possession which was rejected by the Baha’ism organization: “The natural resources office in Mazandaran had earlier claimed for 14 pieces of lands in Roshankouh village which had already been jungle and the Baha’is of the village have been busy cultivating and constructing buildings by faking possession of the jungle lands. Reacting to the claim, the Baha’i families residing in Roshankouh village say they have possessed these lands for more than 70 years[1].”


1)   According to the Baha’ism organization, the reason for pursuing and encountering by the natural resources office, the illegal possession of the Baha’i violators has been in natural resources lands. The Baha’ism organization is justifying the infraction of its members using lies, or claiming for the lands to be old. Consequently, why does the Baha’ism organization defend their illegal possession?! Must the membership in the illegal organization of Baha’ism convince the government to be silent against the Baha’is assuming?!

2)   How does the Baha’ism organization defend the delinquent members and pretend to be oppressed while even according to the Baha’i leaders, it is not allowed to oppose the government?! As we read in the Baha’i text:

“According to the Blessed Beauty (the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism), no movement must be done without the permission of the government. Everybody does an action without the permission of the government, he/she has opposed the Blessed Beauty’s faith and no excuse will be accepted! This is a divine faith and isn’t kid’s toy…[2]

3)   The Baha’ism organization pretends to be oppressed using the excuse of possessing some members’ lands. Does it oppose the occupying of the Palestinian lands by the Zionistic regime?! Why does Baha’ism introduce itself as the herald oneness of human beings?! And doesn’t consider non-Baha’is as human beings in belief[3] and action?!


[1] Narrated by the Channels supporting the Baha’ism organization

[2] Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, the electronic copy, pp. 463-464.

[3] Hussein Ali Nouri, Badi’a, the letter 2, Rabiul Awwal, p. 140.


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