The result of a historical debate: Baha’ism is lacking the thought for proving-(the last part)

Saturday, 18 December 2021 07:55 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


“My biography”

The book of the memoirs of Sheikh Ibrahim Zanjani was for the first time published in 1379 by Kavir publishing house.

Zanjani called it “My Biography”. It has been written in six chapters.

In this debate, Zanjani condemned Mirza Varqa and then he wrote the book “Raj Al-Dajjal Fi Radd Babul Dhalal” to criticize and reject Babism and Baha’ism creeds.


The story of debate

Varqa hadn’t hidden to be a Baha’i and said: “I am ready to debate with the scholars. I would repent if I convinced. What would you say if I made them convince? Alaudduleh convinced.

They appointed a night. They called me and late Hajji Abdussamad. It was the month of Ramadhan. We went to the governor’s seat. There were a group of wealthy people. Alaudduleh said me the quality of the job and asked: “Are you ready to debate?” I said: “I am ready”. They brought several volumes of the book Varqa had brought: “look, know ad answer.” I said: “it is impossible to bring him?” he ordered him to be brought. They brought him and said: “This man is ready to debate with you.” I said: “I am ready, too.”

Several scholars were present there.

He was settled in front of me.

I said: “The claimant and the one who reject, must be recognized. Do you confess the legitimacy of the religion of Islam or you say a new religion has been brought having new reforms and conditions or not. I will be claimant if you reject Islam otherwise you will be claimant.”

He said: “Islam is right and I am claimant.”

I said: “Now you are claimant. To what are you inviting people?” he said: “To what was proven and fulfilled in Islam especially in Shia religion that will come and you were waiting for him.”

I said: “That is, you say the promised Mahdi who is said in Islam to come in future had come before.

He said: “Yes”!

I said: “I didn’t know that person. Say this is such and such person. Now, he has come. I had a person having definite descriptions that we will confirm if we reconcile those description with a person. Has he brought a new religion and religious law?” He said: “Yes!” I said: “This is the onset of fighting. It is definite between you and I that a new owner” of the religious law will come for you to say this is such and such and I say no. because we are waiting for an Imam and leader that will come and call himself as the preacher and the follower of the religion of Islam and will revitalize this religion. So, you should first prove the religion of Islam is not the final one and can be abolished. Then prove that such and such has been the abolisher.”

“Sir! Witness that he is saying that it must be interpreted! Lest he returns from this confession during the debate! So, first I say proving the basis of religion can be false using the interpretation of the definite words. Second, I say if the interpretation is right as you can do, I can do it, too. Because when the way of interpretation opens, it won’t be limited. He said: “Yes, I’ll prove.” I said: “Ok, do you use the intellectual or narrative reasons?”

He said: “During the Excellency Moses and Jesus and some other prophets’ periods of time, it was reported that a person guiding people would come we will say with interpretation that this is the future of the person who has brought a new religion and this is that such and such.”

I said: “First, we didn’t believe in Moses and Jesus in order to believe in a future person using their words. Anyway, say anything you have and interpret and I will do it too in order to see which one is better.”

Then, he started to say some rare and weak narrations using them most of the time to deceive the ordinary people and justified.

I said: “Do you use these as reasons for Seyyed Ali Muhammad’s new religion?”

He said: “Yes, although isn’t the owner of a new religion, but he is the forerunner of another person called Bahaullah.”

I said: “Ok, I’ll start. It is reported to us that Dajjal would come before Mahdi and Mahdi would come to clarify his falsehood and to guide people and revitalize the religion of Islam. Now, I interpret that Ali Muhammad Shirazi is the very Dajjal.”


In this way, we debated for three hours and that man was defeated. He said: “I promised to repent if I defeated. Now, I repent.” However Alaudduleh said again to hold him. He informed Tehran and it was ordered for Varqa who was of the famous claimants of Baha’ism to be brought to Tehran and imprisoned him in the store. Then, he was killed.




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