Why was Bab’s will distorted?

Saturday, 01 January 2022 06:10 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


At first and after Ali Muhammad Bab’s death, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism considered Sobhi Azal as the successor of Bab and the guardian of the faith to be necessary to be obeyed in order to recruit the Babis and to provide the opportunity to abolish the Babi creed. He established a cult called Baha’ism independently by betraying Sobhi Azal before the fulfillment of Babism commandments and aims.

Confessing a will in which the succession of Sobhi Azal was mentioned, the Baha’ism resources claimed that the will had been forged and been forged by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism; as Abdul Baha has narrated the adventure in the personal article called “Sayyah”: “Baha and Mullah Abdul Karim thought it advisable to make thought pay attention to an absent person in order for Bahaullah to keep out of people’s aggression. Because they didn’t think a foreign person advisable, they elected Bahaullah’s brothers, Mirza Yahya (Sobhi Azal) and introduced him to familiar people and aliens.[1]

However, confessing the existence of a will attributed to Ali Muhammad Bab concerning the succession of Sobhi Azal and claiming for forging it by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism are not out of two following cases:

1)   The self-proclaimed Baha’i prophet’s claim for forging Ali Muhammad’s will has been a lie and Bab has elected Sobhi Azal as his successor. In this case the Excellency Baha has claimed for the will to be forged in order to feud against the successor of Bab. So, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism introduced himself first as the servant of Sobhi Azal to recruit the Babis: “I swear by God that I wasn’t going to return or join… . In any case, I was commanded by the faith resources to return. So, I surrendered and returned.[2] “Nevertheless, he feuded Sobhi Azal finally and betrayed Bab’s successor.


2)   The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism’s claiming for Ali Muhammad Bab’s will to be forged is correct. He forged Ali Muhammad Bab’s will resorting to betrayal, deception and lie to save his life and deceive Ali Muhammad Bab’s followers. How did Hussein Ali Nouri deceive the Babis using a forged will contrary to the verdict of the prohibition of hiding belief in Baha’ism[3] while he later on claimed for sending down revelation on him in Tehran prison before being exiled to Iraq[4]?!


[1] Abbas Effendi, the personal article “Sayyah”

[2] Hussein Ali Nouri, Iqan, Germany: the national institute of the Baha’i press in Germany: 1998 A.D. 1st edition, pp. 166-167.

[3] Refer to Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of commandments and limitations, Tehran: the national institute of the faith press, 128 Badi’a, p. 458.

[4] Refer to Hussein Ali Nouri, the tablet addressing Sheikh Muhammad Taqi Najafi Isfahani, Canada: the institute of the Baha’i knowledge, 2001 A.D., p. 16.



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