Why are the Baha’is considered as the agents of establishing the Jewish people in Palestine land?

Saturday, 12 June 2021 07:58 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The permanent question of Shiite and Sunni Muslim people is that: How did the Zionists who are the extremist wing of the Jewish people and were thinking of governing from the Nile to Euphrates reside in the Palestine land? Look at the above map carefully. The process of occupying the occupied lands by the Zionists has been clear since the presence of the Zionists to the year 2020. In general, the factors involving the establishment of the Zionistic regime in Palestine such as the deviant cult of Baha’ism and Abdul Baha (Abbas Effendi) is less being mentioned.



Three years ago; on October, 30 2017 A.D. the leadership foundation of Baha’ism called the Universal House of Justice issue a statement in which the attribution of the media “Baha’i news” (managed by Morteza Ismaeelpour) to the Baha’ism organization was rejected.[1]

After a while, Ismaeelpour revealed the UHJ’s support of himself issuing a video during his 4-year activities. Of course, although this medium was reactivated after 4-month punishment and suspension; but why did the foundation of the universal house of justice react severely against the Baha’i news?!

The answer is the interview between this medium and the formal attendant of the Zionistic regime. The interview was done between Ismaeel pour and Soli Shahvar (the head of the center for studying Iran and the Persian Golf in Israel). Soli Shahvar; in the interview, confessed the strategic role of the Baha’is  in Palestine Jewish making and providing the opportunities for occupying the Palestine lands by the Zionists.[2] Although the Zionistic regime is always trying to hide and reject the cooperation between Israel and Baha’ism.

Now, it can be understood why Abdul Baha meet Bin Zoe (a Zionist activist who later became the president of Israel) forty years before the establishment of Israel government (nearly the year 1909 A.D.[3]).

Where was the prediction of Abdul Baha concerning Jewish kingdom in Palestine originated: “here is Palestine, the holy lands. Soon, the Jewish tribe will return to these lands and will gain the kingdom of David and Soloman greatness. This is one of the explicit divine promises and there is no doubt about it. The Jewish people will be cherished and all these barren lands will be habitable and settled. All the scattered Jews will gather and these lands will become the center for industries and innovations; they will be habitable and populated and there is no doubt.[4]

Or, why the usurping Zionistic regime has favored Baha’ism in addition to firing Muslims from their homeland and according to Shoqi Effendi: “Each branch was established in Palestine by the name of the Baha’i endowment and everywhere which was called the Baha’i shrine was exempt from paying taxes.[5]

This wild regime has been able to occupy nearly all the land by the American weapons supported by the international aids; but it should be said that God’s promise is neat and soon, it will be destroyed and vanished.




Hamed Mahmoudi

[1] Darul Ensha’, the universal house of justice, addressing Mrs. Dour Andish (in the United States of America), dated October 30, 2017 A.D.

[2] For watching the video click here (link is external)

[3] The faith news magazine, the formal organ of the Baha’is, No. 3, p. 8.

[4] Habib Moa’yyed, Habib’s memoirs, Tehran: The national institute of the faith press, 109 Badi’a, p. 20.

[5] Shoqi Effendi, the Blessed Writings, the national institute of the faith press, 125 Badi’a, p. 85.

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